Monday, May 11, 2009

The Happy Atheist

This is my first post as a Doubting Thomas, and it seems wise to start on a happy note. As Wes and I write out this blog, there will probably be a lot of heated debate. A lot of opinions expressed that are guaranteed to be unpopular. A lot of words like "cynic" and "credulous" hurled around.

But those things aren't what this blog is about to me. This blog is about expressing how much I feel that I benefit from atheism (actually humanist logical positivism, but we can get to my being a pompous nerd later), and why I think that other people can too. It's me responding to every person who's ever told me that I was missing something because I didn't have god or faith.

This blog represents a chance to preach a way to a joyful and reasonable life, while being less annoying than the Jehovah's witnesses.

I want to point out the mystics who've kept the card up their sleeve and tell you to keep your money. I want to shout that not knowing what the universe is all about makes it so much more exciting. I want to show you how it's possible to see a lot more when you're not looking up. I want you to know that awe and wonder are not only for the religious.

I want you to be happy, I am.

So, hi. I'm Chris. I hope you read The Doubting Thomases and let us know what you think.

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